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[ 470-219-4439]
Victoria Mwango Scott

Your perfect package awaits you. Select and confidently start your journey.
Dr. Victoria Scott recognizes the significance of excellence in leadership and places it at the forefront of her priorities. Her packages are tailored to surpass industry benchmarks, commencing at elite levels where others may not measure up. Irrespective of the package you select, you can rest assured that Dr. Scott will deliver exceptional service.

Deluxe Package Options
Silver Platter
5000US$+1000 US$ Initial Premium FeeVálido por 3 meses- Executive Life Coaching
- Mentoring (Personal Power)
Platinum Elite
8000US$+2000 US$ Initial Premium FeeVálido por 3 meses- Executive Life Coaching
- Mentoring (Personal Power)
- Brand New You Consulting
EFES Deluxe
12.000US$+4000 US$ Initial Premium FeeVálido por 3 meses- Mentoring (Personal Power)
- Brand New You Consulting
- Executive Life Coaching
- TJA Power Session
Other Services
Explore leadership other professional sessions with Dr. Scott to enhance your leadership prowess.
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